Buy xtool x100 pad2 or obdstar tool?
xtool x100 pad2 or obdstar tool (x300 pro3 and obdstar DP plus). Which one has better coverage and support? How come obdstar products are more popular and has frequent updates but xtool products are slow in updates and least popular? Here are the answers: PS: Quoted from ray-ray (Veteran at forum). ray-ray answers the 1st question: Story is obdstar and xtool was a joint company for many years. They play a game chicken or the egg who came first? Obdstar start the company in 2007 and xtool in 2010. Once again who came first chicken or the egg? I’ve been working for free for 6 month now for Xtooltech. ray-ray answers the 2nd question: If you look at old post Xtooltech had no sale in china or on eBay. I ask member here on the forum if anyone used ps80 or ps90 little to no feedback. I ask my Chinese broker to look and buy a unit for me to test. They refuse to sell to any Chinese broker. That was perfect solution I want to come out with something new w...